
Cancellation Policy
If we are able to cancel your order before it is processed by our warehouses (normally within 24 hours from the time you ordered - however for some in stock products, the order is processed right away), there is not a charge for the cancellation. Otherwise 15% restocking fee will apply. Therefore, if you need to make any changes to your order, please contact us as soon as possible at 1-800-996-8221. If the order has been shipped out from our warehouse, please see our return policy.

Return Policy
Our return policy is 15% restocking fee (pending inspection) plus the actual inbound and outbound shipping. The actual shipping charge will be applied to any product regardless of the Free Shipping promotion or the flat rate $99 shipping.
The products have to be in the original packaging and in brand new condition. Please contact us at 1-800-996-8221 for authorization prior to returning any items.

Please note that we do not profit from return products. The shipping charges are the actual shipping cost charged by the shipping company and the restocking fee are charged by the manufacturer.
If you need any information about the product, please contact us and we will try our best to answer any questions that you might have.

Issue or Damage
Please INSPECT the cartons (packaging) of your new furniture upon delivery of your order. If you notice any slight damage to the packaging that you think might not affect the furniture, please MARK it in the receipt or bill of lading with a clear description of the nature of the damage. If the cartons are severely damaged, please refuse the shipment and make a notation on the freight bill that there were visible damages. Your signature on the receipt is your acknowledgment that your merchandise is satisfactory and delivered as ordered. In the event that you order arrives damaged or if you have any concerns regarding any aspects of the delivery, please contact us immediately at 732-698-9221 for on-site resolution.
For any concealed damage, please report any issues within 10 days of the delivery receipt. Most of the time, we will request the picture and detail description of the issue in order to process the claim. Depending on the extent of the issue, we will either send replacement part/piece or send Furniture Medic professional to repair it.